Dr. Debra Patt is a practicing oncologist and breast cancer specialist in Austin, Texas, and a vice president of Texas Oncology. She is an active leader in breast cancer research, serves on the US Oncology Research breast cancer committee, and chairs the breast cancer subsection of the pathways task force for The US Oncology Network. In this episode she talks about the evolution of breast cancer care and where we go from here.
“Decisions around cancer are not what they were 10 years ago when it was all about stage. And they are not just talking about molecular phenotyping.”
– Dr. Debra Patt, talking about the new conversations happening in health care.

Hosted by Suzanne Stone
A proven leader in building long term community partnership opportunities, Suzanne Stone brings innovative ideas to support Komen Greater CETX’s mission in fighting breast cancer. Stone has gained experience in outreach and education, volunteer programs, donor development and fundraising over her professional career. Stone earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Radio, Television and Film from Texas Christian university and is certified in non-profit management. During her free time, she enjoys going to the beach to catch waves on her surfboard, paddle boarding and watching baseball games.

About the More Than Pink Podcast
The More Than Pink Podcast is designed to give listeners an insight on what is happening in the field of breast cancer research, treatment, screening and survivorship. Through each episode, experts in various fields share their knowledge directly with you through guided conversations on a variety of topics. If you have any questions, or comments, please email us at podcast@komengreatercetx.org.
Links to Topics Covered in this Episode
- Risk Factors: Inherited Gene Mutations
- Risk Reduction: Options for Women at Higher Risk
- Diagnosis: Molecular phenotyping, Sentinel Node Biopsy/Axillary Dissection, Staging of Breast Cancer, Tumor characteristics, Tumor Profiling-Personalizing Treatment for Breast Cancer (Komen Perspective article), Triple Negative Breast Cancer
- Treatment: Localized Breast Cancer Treatment, MBC treatment, Immunotherapy, PARP Inhibitors, Trastuzumab (Herceptin)
- Survivorship: Late effects of treatment, Healthy Lifestyle for Breast Cancer Survivors
Episode Sponsors
Special thanks to Hologic and iHeartMedia for making this episode possible.