Prior to becoming President of LIVESTRONG in 2016, Greg Lee served as its Chief Financial Officer for nearly 10 years, responsible for the integrity and operation of all financial, accounting, technology and compliance activities for the LIVESTRONG Foundation. LIVESTRONG focuses on the person with cancer, not just the disease itself. We discuss the financial impact of a cancer diagnosis/treatment as well as more than just the “out of pocket cost” that goes along with it.
“Being a financial person for much of my life, I’ve seen a lot of line item budgets, but I’ve never seen a cancer line item on a budget. Certainly if you did that it would single-handedly be the largest dollar amount in the budget.”
~ Greg Lee talking about the impact of a cancer diagnosis on an individual

Hosted by Suzanne Stone
A proven leader in building long term community partnership opportunities, Suzanne Stone brings innovative ideas to support Komen Greater CETX’s mission in fighting breast cancer. Stone has gained experience in outreach and education, volunteer programs, donor development and fundraising over her professional career. Stone earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Radio, Television and Film from Texas Christian university and is certified in non-profit management. During her free time, she enjoys going to the beach to catch waves on her surfboard, paddle boarding and watching baseball games.

About the More Than Pink Podcast
The More Than Pink Podcast is designed to give listeners an insight on what is happening in the field of breast cancer research, treatment, screening and survivorship. Through each episode, experts in various fields share their knowledge directly with you through guided conversations on a variety of topics. If you have any questions, or comments, please email us at
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Special thanks to Hologic and iHeartMedia for making this episode possible.